1.   Productivity is supposed to slow as expansions mature.

2.   Traditionally, productivity growth has slowed as expansions have matured, with firms obliged to draw less-skilled workers from the depleted pool of labor.

3.   Typically, as an economic expansion matures, the employee pool tightens and companies have to pay a little more to attract and retain workers.

4.   Productivity tends to increase rapidly in the early stages of an economic expansion, as unused operating capacity comes back on line, and slows as the expansion matures.

5.   In countries where the expansion has matured and output is approaching potential, close attention must continue to be paid to containing actual and potential price pressure.

n. + mature >>共 214
bond 7.78%
market 4.35%
industry 3.89%
technology 2.29%
crop 2.06%
plant 1.60%
team 1.60%
loan 1.60%
cell 1.37%
economy 1.37%
expansion 1.14%
expansion + v. >>共 250
be 28.40%
continue 4.02%
come 3.93%
take 2.57%
go 2.22%
have 1.97%
include 1.71%
slow 1.63%
make 1.45%
help 1.37%
mature 0.43%
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