1.   Often the owners do not know how to care for these exotic pets.

2.   Conservation organisations have claimed that increasing quantities of rare wildlife have been hunted and sold as exotic pets, food and medicine both in Thailand and abroad.

3.   And pet stores commonly feature exotic pets such as Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs and tropical fish and reptiles.

4.   After months of searching, they settled on a town in Pennsylvania where exotic pets are not only welcome but prevalent.

5.   Alpacas may seem like exotic pets, but, as a growing number of people are finding, breeding alpacas can be a profitable business.

6.   But the grisly scene provided a glimpse into the growing international trade in exotic pets.

7.   CareFRESH, produced from recycled wood pulp, can be used for exotic pets and birds.

8.   Defenders of the trade in exotic pets note that most of these animals are bred in captivity and are plentiful in number.

9.   Dannon is too busy checking out this new territory to care that members of her species are the hottest new exotic pets on the market.

10.   In fact, many collectors say they are attracted to exotic pets because the animals are wild and unusual, unspoiled by domestication.

a. + pet >>共 244
family 9.16%
virtual 7.30%
household 6.58%
exotic 4.43%
new 4.01%
beloved 2.72%
domestic 2.58%
good 2.00%
small 1.86%
lost 1.86%
exotic + n. >>共 636
animal 4.23%
locale 3.34%
bird 3.23%
place 3.13%
plant 2.61%
dancer 2.50%
species 2.14%
pet 1.62%
fruit 1.62%
destination 1.56%
每页显示:    共 31