1.   The existing treaty, signed in April but not yet ratified, included a clause preventing either side from joining an alliance against the interests of the other.

2.   Clinton should not risk unraveling existing treaties by moving too hastily to decide on missile defenses.

3.   Existing treaties that have worked well and helped keep the peace for decades should not be needlessly discarded.

4.   Existing treaties do not specify what each party should do with the thousands of nuclear warheads removed from jets, missiles and submarines.

5.   Hirst of Northwest argues that before any negotiations begin, the U.S. government should force Japan to honor the existing treaty.

6.   Japan maintains that the existing treaty is unfair and are demanding more access to U.S. destinations for Japanese carriers.

7.   Ivashov also said Moscow was ready to present an alternative missile defense plan that would not violate existing treaties.

8.   Japan has long chafed under the existing treaty.

9.   The existing treaty with Egypt was followed by a peace treaty with Jordan.

10.   The Japanese government complains the existing treaty is unfair and is demanding more access to U.S. destinations for U.S. carriers.

a. + treaty >>共 338
international 20.47%
new 9.97%
global 5.34%
union 3.87%
bilateral 3.52%
formal 2.36%
warming 2.14%
proposed 2.14%
postwar 2.14%
nonproliferation 1.78%
existing 1.42%
existing + n. >>共 898
law 6.21%
one 2.66%
system 2.11%
program 1.56%
shareholder 1.39%
agreement 1.39%
contract 1.25%
rule 1.20%
settlement 1.13%
business 1.06%
treaty 0.30%
每页显示:    共 32