1.   In effect, the existing pact has been inoperative since the devaluation.

2.   Northwest is one of three U.S. airlines that already has broad access to Japanese markets and points beyond in Asia under the existing pact.

3.   But the accord signed Wednesday by chiefs of the five air carriers brings them together in a fashion that goes beyone existing pacts.

4.   But the accord signed Wednesday by chiefs of the five air carriers brings them together in a fashion that goes beyond existing pacts.

5.   The commission will study existing bilateral pacts and recommend how they could be improved.

6.   The U.S. treasury secretary also will emphasize the need for China to adopt and enforce existing pacts, including one on protecting intellectual property rights.

7.   India will sign an extradition treaty with the United States, similar to existing pacts with Britain and Canada, Home Minister Shankarrao Chavan said here Wednesday.

8.   Officials said the existing pact might have to be extended to facilitate the ratification of the new INRA, even if producers protested.

9.   The European Union has launched a detailed competition investigation into this and other existing pacts formed between European and US airlines.

a. + pact >>共 265
new 11.61%
military 5.91%
similar 5.81%
such 4.20%
global 2.80%
bilateral 2.80%
proposed 2.70%
economic 2.10%
secret 1.90%
electoral 1.80%
existing 0.90%
existing + n. >>共 898
law 6.21%
one 2.66%
system 2.11%
program 1.56%
shareholder 1.39%
agreement 1.39%
contract 1.25%
rule 1.20%
settlement 1.13%
business 1.06%
pact 0.08%
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