1.   Little of these paltry sums is likely to be new money, most being sliced off existing allocations.

2.   Within the Catholic sector the existing allocation of time is essential for the current Religious Education programme.

3.   Now we see that happening in an existing allocation and our scepticism towards further allocations is increased.

4.   But anti-smoking groups fear that talk of spending the settlement money on health care could mask plans to use it to supplant existing allocations for existing programs.

a. + allocation >>共 185
new 4.94%
efficient 3.46%
annual 2.96%
budgetary 2.72%
additional 2.22%
current 2.22%
increased 1.98%
special 1.98%
larger 1.73%
state 1.73%
existing 0.99%
existing + n. >>共 898
law 6.21%
one 2.66%
system 2.11%
program 1.56%
shareholder 1.39%
agreement 1.39%
contract 1.25%
rule 1.20%
settlement 1.13%
business 1.06%
allocation 0.04%
每页显示:    共 4