1.   The important thing about shamans is that they exist in order to bring spiritual power to bear on human pain.

2.   Distributors, like the Media Chieftains who gathered last week in Sun Valley, exist to bring artists together with audiences.

3.   Here no plans exist to bring water, let alone sewer service.

4.   It was unclear how Washington would pursue a case since an international criminal court does not exist to bring the Iraqi leader to trial.

5.   The trouble is, no leverage exists to bring about such acceptance.

6.   It acknowledged the extent of the problems across the country, but concluded that the framework already exists to bring the system up to expectations.

7.   Many processes and belief systems exist to bring us to this point of actual happiness.

8.   Consequently, although a majority seems to exist to bring down Berlusconi it would appear no majority exists to form a lasting replacement.

9.   Consequently, although a majority seems to exist to bring down Berlusconi it would appear none exists to form a lasting replacement.

10.   The conseqwuence is that though a majority seems to exist to bring down Berlusconi no such majority exists to form a lasting replacement.

v. + bring >>共 262
work 12.03%
use 8.31%
do 5.96%
forecast 4.47%
be 2.98%
walk 1.99%
can 1.61%
fight 1.61%
act 1.49%
exist 1.24%
exist + v. >>共 231
make 3.59%
protect 3.38%
show 3.17%
help 2.96%
justify 2.54%
provide 2.33%
serve 2.11%
support 2.11%
bring 2.11%
do 1.90%
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