1.   There he collapsed in an exhausted heap, all strength drained from his limbs.

2.   After running myself into an exhausted heap, I desperately need a nap.

3.   Hoisting myself up onto the floor, I sprawled in an exhausted heap.

4.   I then start to think seriously about abandoning the plan to run myself into an exhausted heap and consider hitting the snooze button until Monday morning.

5.   Yes, we would dance and jump and shout until her little barrettes fell out and she collapsed in an exhausted heap.

a. + heap >>共 138
crumpled 4.20%
twisted 3.78%
mangled 3.36%
small 2.94%
blackened 2.52%
untidy 2.52%
old 2.10%
broken 2.10%
exhausted 2.10%
white 1.68%
exhausted + n. >>共 187
refugee 6.61%
firefighter 3.30%
crew 3.30%
rescue 2.10%
worker 2.10%
player 1.80%
soldier 1.80%
heap 1.50%
family 1.50%
woman 1.50%
每页显示:    共 5