1.   Congress must Decide whether to exercise its veto.

2.   The President may choose to exercise his veto.

3.   Albright reiterated the standard NATO position that no country outside the organization could exercise a veto on its membership, including Russia.

4.   But China usually exercises its veto only when its national interests are directly threatened.

5.   But officials said they did not think China would exercise its veto on the Security Council.

6.   Clinton will have plenty of reasons to exercise his veto.

7.   Consequently, China would exercise its veto for only the fifth time and kill a resolution that would have extended the mission for another six months.

8.   Even though Newhouse had held all of the most important type of stock, other family members had the right to exercise a veto on certain matters.

9.   He has freely exercised his veto, fought over ministerial posts and even dissolved parliament.

10.   If necessary, the White House said, the United States would exercise its veto at the United Nations to block Boutros-Ghali from another term.

v. + veto >>共 138
override 29.46%
use 10.53%
threaten 9.51%
have 7.13%
sustain 4.41%
lift 3.06%
exercise 2.63%
promise 2.21%
wield 1.87%
overturn 1.44%
exercise + n. >>共 284
caution 13.19%
option 12.80%
right 10.63%
restraint 8.98%
power 8.36%
control 6.02%
influence 3.50%
authority 2.74%
discretion 2.24%
care 1.80%
veto 1.12%
每页显示:    共 31