1.   The Roman church was exercising leadership long before anyone appealed to this text.

2.   Although Kramer and Douglas never did anything illegal while in office, both admit ruefully to having done the politically expedient thing instead of exercising bold leadership.

3.   As a generation, boomers are used to exercising leadership, and tackling tough problems.

4.   Bob Dole, the Senate majority leader, exercised responsible leadership by co-sponsoring the resolution consenting to the mission.

5.   A lot rides on his willingness to exercise White House leadership to save it.

6.   A person might exercise leadership in some areas -- church and family, say -- and none in business and public life.

7.   A smattering of rich countries exercises leadership in international organizations and world markets, despite the principle of a level playing field.

8.   But it remained unclear how the boys exercised their leadership.

9.   Even if a non-bureaucrat is appointed to head the new agency, that will not necessarily mean that the person will be allowed to exercise leadership.

10.   For others, it will be a fair test of willingness by the Bush administration and its business allies to exercise creative leadership on the global scene.

v. + leadership >>共 420
provide 7.03%
show 5.18%
take 3.82%
need 3.58%
assume 3.52%
have 2.71%
demonstrate 1.85%
lack 1.79%
exercise 1.79%
criticize 1.23%
exercise + n. >>共 284
caution 13.19%
option 12.80%
right 10.63%
restraint 8.98%
power 8.36%
control 6.02%
influence 3.50%
authority 2.74%
discretion 2.24%
care 1.80%
leadership 1.05%
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