1.   But bureaucrats have scant leeway to exercise judgment.

2.   Often these acts of kindness came from the same men who had grossly failed to exercise judgment on previous occasions.

3.   Are accountants professionals who exercise independent judgment, or do they just follow rules and checklists?

4.   Asked why he so often exercised poor judgment, Gamble thought long and hard.

5.   But by setting clear objectives and exercising smart judgment, he let the economy take full advantage of both trends.

6.   But Eddie Gonzalez, a truck driver for a paper company who said Agosto worked for him, said that Agosto exercised poor judgment in his romantic pursuits.

7.   But it does require adults to exercise judgment, which is something that many adults are reluctant to exercise these days.

8.   But Michael Powell will need to exercise better judgment during his tenure as FCC chairman.

9.   But the board has the statutory right and obligation to exercise independent judgment.

10.   But the congressional leaders exercised poor judgment in pushing for the Taft carillon.

v. + judgment >>共 274
make 14.72%
reserve 10.12%
pass 8.78%
withhold 5.41%
use 2.57%
cloud 2.14%
exercise 1.93%
enter 1.82%
trust 1.71%
render 1.71%
exercise + n. >>共 284
caution 13.19%
option 12.80%
right 10.63%
restraint 8.98%
power 8.36%
control 6.02%
influence 3.50%
authority 2.74%
discretion 2.24%
care 1.80%
judgment 1.30%
每页显示:    共 36