1.   Are government institutions strong enough to withstand a strengthened executive power?

2.   Executive power resides in the President.

3.   Gorbachev undermined the position of the Politburo when he transferred executive power to the presidency, advised by the presidential councils.

4.   In the past few days Mr Delors has signalled his determination to boost the executive powers held by Brussels.

5.   Only a Legal Service Commission with executive powers could do the necessary research and co-ordination job.

a. + power >>共 912
political 3.59%
new 2.36%
electric 1.95%
western 1.93%
major 1.87%
real 1.50%
economic 1.36%
electrical 1.33%
colonial 1.26%
military 1.25%
executive 1.05%
executive + n. >>共 238
director 34.65%
committee 8.10%
producer 7.47%
board 5.95%
branch 4.59%
editor 2.71%
chairman 2.68%
power 2.39%
chef 1.43%
suite 1.43%
每页显示:    共 242