1.   Only tap Enter to start a new paragraph, after a heading, or to execute a command.

2.   This will execute a command in every subdirectory of a hard disk.

3.   A functional looking fellow, stout, stolid and homely, no doubt good at executing the commands of his superiors with efficiency and minimal fuss.

4.   If the user responds by allowing the program to run, it will execute commands on the computer.

5.   It also can execute commands in the most efficient order for the task at hand instead of in a strict sequence.

6.   Most trip computer, telephone and audio commands can be executed through simple toggles built into the steering wheel.

7.   The camera even allows the user to execute commands with a mere glance.

8.   The inVoca can also be programmed to execute macro commands, a sequence of commands set in motion by a single spoken word.

9.   Their programs only execute specific commands.

10.   Both DOS programs are operating systems, which enable personal computers to execute basic commands.

v. + command >>共 219
take 30.72%
have 8.65%
assume 4.37%
give 3.64%
send 2.18%
obey 2.02%
issue 2.02%
follow 1.94%
lose 1.62%
use 1.54%
execute 0.81%
execute + n. >>共 441
people 9.85%
man 8.43%
trade 4.95%
prisoner 3.33%
hostage 2.40%
order 2.25%
plan 2.25%
criminal 1.96%
inmate 1.42%
killer 1.37%
command 0.49%
每页显示:    共 10