1.   Council members get excused absences by filing a letter noting the absence either before or after the meeting.

2.   Excused absences, such as Super Bowl XXX, will likely be permitted.

3.   His agent, Dick Moss, said Valentin will not pay it because technically, his excused absence had not yet expired.

4.   His unexcused absence had turned into an excused absence.

5.   Hutchinson got that and more Monday, thanks to Carter having an excused absence from the morning practice for personal reasons.

6.   If taken, the day will be an excused absence.

7.   In a sport where individual performance is the only measure, there can be no allowances for excused absences.

8.   It is hard to put a number on the requests for excused absences that schools receive, but educators generally agree it is a problem.

9.   Lamar Odom missed practice with an excused absence for personal reasons.

10.   Rather, this will be an excused absence.

a. + absence >>共 194
long 13.19%
complete 6.03%
notable 3.39%
prolonged 3.39%
unexcused 3.27%
total 3.14%
virtual 3.02%
continued 2.89%
due 2.64%
frequent 2.51%
excused 2.14%
excused + n. >>共 7
absence 68.00%
duty 8.00%
juror 8.00%
form 4.00%
league 4.00%
practice 4.00%
terrorism 4.00%
每页显示:    共 17