1.   Jackson never excuses their crime but he lets us experience their terror of separation so that we understand why they did what they did.

2.   None of that excuses her crime.

3.   The French government includes communists who have been accused of ignoring or excusing the crimes of Stalin.

4.   The prosecutors said the officers excused their crimes because their victims were criminals.

5.   The syndrome has traditionally been used to excuse crimes against abusers, but Curhan said it might now be considered in crimes committed by victims against others.

v. + crime >>共 470
commit 27.34%
fight 7.66%
reduce 4.15%
solve 3.82%
investigate 3.32%
report 2.87%
prevent 2.45%
combat 2.24%
deter 2.20%
prosecute 1.99%
excuse 0.10%
excuse + n. >>共 159
juror 8.57%
absence 4.29%
behavior 3.93%
jury 3.93%
student 2.86%
expression 2.50%
man 2.14%
crime 1.79%
child 1.79%
woman 1.79%
每页显示:    共 5