1.   Computers were once the exclusive province of scientists and mathematicians.

2.   - is the exclusive province of the owner of the original work.

3.   Anti-angiogenesis is by no means the exclusive province of the smaller companies.

4.   At the same time, the idea that high self-esteem is the exclusive province of those with admirable achievements has been rejected as simply wrong.

5.   Body scans for healthy people were once the exclusive province of the rich, part of the gold-plated annual physical for executives.

6.   All of a sudden, the subject of school kids dying in great numbers has ceased to be the exclusive province of fantasy fiction.

7.   Fashion, of course, runs in cycles, and eyeglasses could once again be relegated to the exclusive province of the near-sighted and the nerds.

8.   High standards of probity and good taste are not the exclusive province of local residents just because they occupy historic neighborhoods.

9.   Historically, vigilantism has been the almost exclusive province of the white male threatened by a multiracial, murderously parasitical underclass.

10.   It democratized terror, allowing amateurs to commit crimes that had been the exclusive province of expert bomb-makers.

a. + province >>共 497
renegade 13.37%
southern 10.14%
eastern 5.36%
breakaway 4.40%
serbian 3.69%
northern 3.65%
central 3.17%
troubled 3.05%
western 2.10%
yugoslav 1.60%
exclusive 0.29%
exclusive + n. >>共 552
right 17.27%
contract 4.86%
club 4.39%
interview 4.35%
zone 2.32%
deal 2.18%
agreement 2.07%
use 2.03%
domain 1.60%
control 1.52%
province 0.80%
每页显示:    共 22