1.   As gravity tugs the cluster downward, it passes through a chamber filled with precisely tuned microwaves, which excite those atoms whose resonant frequencies match the microwave frequency.

2.   Chlorophyll A can also use solar radiation to excite atoms in the cells of the leaf, setting off a reaction that converts the light energy into chemical energy.

3.   It excites atoms to create light.

4.   The device uses a high-energy laser to excite atoms, which then can be identified by the unique spectra of the light they give off.

v. + atom >>共 89
split 13.87%
trap 5.20%
contain 4.62%
hit 3.47%
manipulate 3.47%
make 2.89%
excite 2.31%
fuse 2.31%
analyze 1.73%
cool 1.73%
excite + n. >>共 220
people 6.11%
crowd 4.30%
fan 4.07%
voter 4.07%
investor 3.62%
interest 2.71%
child 1.81%
player 1.81%
passion 1.58%
sense 1.58%
atom 0.90%
每页显示:    共 4