1.   Incontinence is another problem that can begin by excessive alcohol intake.

2.   Causes include long-term use of aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, excessive alcohol intake or infection by H. pylori bacteria.

3.   Drinking excessive alcohol has also been linked as a risk factor.

4.   During the two interviews, Flynn sidestepped questions about what he considers excessive alcohol use.

5.   Eating well and getting exercise are also important, as is avoiding excessive alcohol or caffeine.

6.   Excessive alcohol and tobacco use and a diet low in vitamin C and zinc may cause men to be infertile.

7.   Excessive alcohol consumption has been associated with severe and irreversible memory problems.

8.   Excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of several digestive-tract cancers.

9.   Excessive alcohol causes broken capillaries on the face and puffiness.

10.   Excessive alcohol intake can also damage the heart, often causing damage to the heart muscle, a condition known as cardiomyopathy.

a. + alcohol >>共 257
drinking 13.76%
pure 4.36%
rubbing 3.41%
excessive 3.13%
excess 2.86%
legal 2.59%
consuming 2.45%
moderate 2.04%
illegal 2.04%
industrial 1.91%
excessive + n. >>共 772
force 12.17%
use 4.31%
amount 3.36%
speed 1.97%
heat 1.56%
level 1.53%
violence 1.42%
government 1.32%
rain 1.22%
demand 1.12%
alcohol 0.78%
每页显示:    共 23