1.   A second example illustrates the thrombolytic approach.

2.   A simple example will illustrate the point.

3.   A simple example will illustrate these points.

4.   The above examples illustrate that different preferences exist across languages for certain general patterns of reference.

5.   The following case example illustrates a situation where such an admission seemed appropriate.

n. + illustrate >>共 441
case 9.77%
example 4.24%
incident 3.36%
story 2.76%
episode 1.97%
event 1.58%
deal 1.48%
dispute 1.38%
situation 1.28%
move 1.09%
example + v. >>共 194
be 66.05%
include 4.93%
come 2.80%
illustrate 1.94%
abound 1.58%
show 1.58%
involve 1.45%
occur 1.04%
have 0.86%
suggest 0.68%
每页显示:    共 43