1.   After examining such evidence, the Oregon court agreed with the teacher that the contract was not divisible into two parts.

2.   Its aim was to examine scientific evidence on climate change, assess environmental and socio-economic impacts and formulate realistic response strategies.

3.   Lawyers acting for the defendant asked for her case to be adjourned while they examined new evidence.

4.   We are continuing to examine evidence and following up on a substantial amount of information that we are receiving.

5.   The police examined the evidence carefully.

6.   The police stated that they were examining the evidence to determine whether to file obstruction-of-justice charges against members of the Kennedy household.

7.   This review examines the evidence that abnormal oxidative metabolism is of central importance to active inflammatory bowel disease.

8.   The next section examines evidence drawn from a three-year monitoring study carried out by the author and colleagues in the National Association of Health Authorities and Trusts.

v. + evidence >>共 329
find 14.12%
have 11.88%
provide 6.86%
give 4.75%
present 4.02%
see 3.49%
offer 3.22%
produce 2.94%
gather 2.88%
show 2.26%
examine 0.86%
examine + n. >>共 1535
issue 2.58%
way 2.15%
case 1.89%
evidence 1.71%
possibility 1.65%
body 1.18%
document 1.16%
effect 1.16%
patient 1.05%
record 1.03%
每页显示:    共 105