1.   Any rigid scheme that means exact amounts of specific exercise must be carried out each day is usually doomed to failure.

2.   It continually updates so that you can see the exact amount of bytes free along with a graphical representation of the percentage free.

3.   The exact amount is Decided by Parliament and usually revised each year to take account of the rise in prices.

4.   The exact amount of historical detail will again depend on individual needs.

5.   To help fund the changes there will be extra money from Central Government but the exact amount is not yet known.

6.   The exact amount depends on the quality of resolution with which the images are rendered.

7.   The exact amount we use depends on our age, sex, height, weight and the amount of activity we do.

8.   The exact amount is still being checked.

9.   Although Folsom approved the fees, an arbitration panel will ultimately decide on the exact amount to be paid to the lawyers.

a. + amount >>共 395
large 12.02%
small 10.95%
huge 4.43%
same 4.43%
undisclosed 3.21%
significant 2.22%
vast 2.10%
enormous 1.96%
limited 1.93%
fair 1.89%
exact 1.19%
exact + n. >>共 638
number 11.03%
date 9.05%
location 5.87%
cause 5.70%
figure 5.45%
amount 3.31%
nature 2.74%
opposite 2.08%
time 1.91%
science 1.41%
每页显示:    共 173