1.   But after the Council, the Church had opened itself increasingly to the insights of modern psychology and evolutionary biology.

2.   Evolutionary biology provides good confirmation of moral judgements.

3.   The crucial question for evolutionary biology is where the balance is struck between signalling real information about your state and signalling misinformation.

4.   The rise of the eugenics movement in the early twentieth century crystallized the intellectual and political imperatives of evolutionary biology.

5.   Now in modern evolutionary biology, sex again is based on a scientific quantitative definition, not on a subjective human or qualitative one.

6.   An entire discipline of computer science, and evolutionary biology, has come to life on the Web.

7.   Are the great love stories no more than a matter of evolutionary biology?

8.   But other workshops discussed current research in evolutionary biology and how the latest findings could be used to add new life to lessons.

9.   Dr. Richard Alexander, the Hubbell professor of evolutionary biology at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, views humor in a much bleaker evolutionary light.

10.   Evolutionary biology can be long on theory but short on evidence.

a. + biology >>共 80
marine 17.89%
human 12.28%
evolutionary 10.18%
basic 6.32%
modern 6.32%
major 5.26%
developmental 4.21%
former 2.11%
reproductive 1.75%
computational 1.40%
evolutionary + n. >>共 252
biologist 7.84%
process 4.73%
history 4.35%
theory 4.35%
change 4.23%
psychology 3.86%
biology 3.61%
tree 3.11%
psychologist 2.74%
time 2.36%
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