1.   Marijuana is an evil weed that fries brain cells, corrupts chromosomes and tempts children to use stronger, harder narcotics.

2.   Should every teenager be given a vaccine that blocks the effects of nicotine and so prevents them from becoming addicted to the evil weed?

3.   The evil weed no doubt will return with a vengeance next spring.

4.   Tough-on-drugs America is finally coming round to the idea that the evil weed might do some patients a power of good.

a. + weed >>共 184
noxious 5.09%
tall 2.69%
common 2.40%
overgrown 2.40%
perennial 2.40%
red 2.40%
aquatic 2.10%
annual 1.80%
poisonous 1.50%
invasive 1.20%
evil 1.20%
evil + n. >>共 424
spirit 15.60%
force 3.81%
empire 3.03%
man 2.86%
deed 2.60%
twin 2.43%
people 1.82%
genius 1.47%
intent 1.30%
one 1.21%
weed 0.35%
每页显示:    共 4