1.   At that point in time, we will have to decide if the evidence warrants us bringing criminal charges.

2.   Barker was beginning to wonder just how much punishment the evidence warranted.

3.   A state report issued last November by Paul Shechtman, an adviser to Gov. George Pataki, found insufficient evidence to warrant criminal proceedings against Catterson.

4.   But they said the evidence so far clearly warrants some close scrutiny.

5.   Clinton said Reno has shown no reluctance to appoint an independent counsel when the evidence warranted.

6.   If the evidence warrants prosecution, the high positions they held should be no barrier.

7.   Incidents that took place within the last five years might be the subject of a criminal investigation if the evidence warrants it, he added.

8.   Local prosecutors quickly said they are considering whether the evidence warrants it.

9.   Masoudi said the CSA will file an official appeal if FIFA says the evidence warrants.

10.   Officials said they were prepared to reconsider their decision regarding an independent prosecutor if evidence warranted it.

n. + warrant >>共 166
situation 8.62%
evidence 7.83%
condition 6.79%
arrest 5.22%
circumstance 3.66%
case 3.13%
development 2.61%
event 1.83%
prospect 1.83%
problem 1.57%
evidence + v. >>共 347
be 65.23%
suggest 5.52%
show 3.20%
indicate 1.95%
emerge 1.41%
point 1.39%
exist 1.36%
come 1.30%
support 1.17%
mount 0.95%
warrant 0.32%
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