1.   Drug dealing, indiscriminate violence, other crime and family disorientation and disintegration are now all aspects of everyday existence.

2.   He saw drugs as a way of escaping the tedium of his everyday existence.

3.   It affects the quality of your everyday existence.

4.   The Internet has affected the everyday existence of children and adults in all walks of life.

5.   The new breed of messed-up young things deal with the emotional extremities of everyday existence.

6.   Certainly his selection of the nine couples, from hundreds that were interviewed, suggests an instinct for the drama in everyday existence.

7.   Frankly, I never understood the fascination with the JenniCam or the coffee pot cam or other Web sites that chronicle the minutiae of everyday existence.

8.   Nearly all her works unfold slowly, almost majestically, with special emphasis on the quotidian nature of everyday existence.

9.   The result is a tense, tantalizing play, partly about the fibs and fixes that make everyday existence supportable, partly about the ambiguities of human nature.

10.   Three years ago, the everyday existence of the conservative Texas Panhandle was peeled back to expose an unlikely secret.

a. + existence >>共 384
very 15.13%
human 6.07%
continued 5.07%
mere 3.35%
daily 2.08%
precarious 1.90%
hand-to-mouth 1.81%
nomadic 1.45%
solitary 1.09%
miserable 1.09%
everyday 1.00%
everyday + n. >>共 536
life 29.31%
player 3.32%
people 2.39%
use 2.19%
object 1.82%
activity 1.74%
world 1.54%
thing 1.46%
occurrence 1.34%
reality 1.30%
existence 0.45%
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