1.   A few spelling mistakes always creep into every book.

2.   And a portion of the proceeds from every book is donated to different charities.

3.   But what I learned was that every book tells a story.

4.   By the end of every book they have reassured readers that their own problems are normal and that life will turn out O.K.

5.   Every tape recorder, every book, every table, every chair -- every cultural artifact.

6.   Every book alters this blend.

7.   Every book can be heard on tape.

8.   Every book ever published in a single volume?

9.   For someone who never fulfilled his dream of reading every book in the public library, Biblo had quite a run for himself.

10.   Given that the modern version cannot try to have every book in the world, Serageldin envisions a cultural center for the exchange of ideas.

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