1.   Even some learned men who examined Mozart as a child had formulated their own opinions about his eventual demise.

2.   In both cases, not just a single species but an entire ecosystem could come under protection, potentially helping hundreds of plants and animals avoid eventual demise.

3.   Concerning fundamentalist Islam, Rushdie told another daily, Nepszabadsag, he foresees its eventual demise.

4.   Its eventual demise is mainly of the making of its operators and drivers.

5.   Proof of his eventual demise has never been produced.

a. + demise >>共 91
imminent 14.17%
political 10.00%
untimely 6.25%
early 5.42%
final 3.75%
impending 3.33%
sudden 3.33%
quick 2.50%
ultimate 2.50%
eventual 2.08%
eventual + n. >>共 739
champion 6.47%
winner 5.27%
reunification 4.26%
membership 3.10%
return 2.05%
outcome 1.78%
peace 1.74%
withdrawal 1.32%
nominee 1.24%
goal 1.05%
demise 0.19%
每页显示:    共 5