1.   Few cliches are used as improperly as the contention that a certain event Marks the end of an era.

2.   This event Marked the beginning of a ten-year worldwide depression.

3.   Although the mayor has long supported the proposal to extend term limits, the big-ticket event marks the first time that he will actively campaign for it.

4.   An event like that marks the historical memory of a people.

5.   As a matter of style, the event marked a reversal of roles.

6.   As Martin Scorsese is honored Monday night with a gala tribute by the Film Society of Lincoln Center, the event will mark a passing of the figurative baton.

7.   Between them, the two events mark a new stage in the war against terror.

8.   But senior defense officials, and even President Bush, have repeatedly said no single event will mark the end of the hostilities.

9.   But the event also marked a subtle but symbolically important shift by the mayor.

n. + mark >>共 1248
game 2.22%
move 1.73%
agreement 1.58%
case 1.53%
year 1.51%
decision 1.44%
announcement 1.41%
deal 1.22%
incident 1.19%
election 1.17%
event 1.14%
event + v. >>共 646
be 28.83%
take 3.65%
have 3.24%
include 2.84%
occur 2.33%
begin 1.59%
unfold 1.45%
feature 1.37%
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seem 1.30%
mark 0.82%
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