1.   I eat off stack-up plastic tables as I watch the evening news.

2.   It was on the evening news a couple of nights ago.

3.   Lucy turned on the television to watch the evening news.

4.   Naptime was from four to five, and then he watched the evening news on television in the recreation room.

5.   She had seen him on the telly - he had been on the early evening news tooting his trumpet.

6.   She was the former political commentator on the evening news.

7.   The headline stories of newspapers are developed and reported on the evening news by general-assignment reporters.

8.   Usually the lines pictured on the evening news were just the ones that snaked outside store entrances.

9.   We believe what we hear on the evening news and read in the morning paper.

10.   Welcome to the early evening news.

a. + news >>共 622
good 28.10%
economic 3.88%
local 3.04%
evening 2.46%
big 1.87%
market-moving 1.79%
positive 1.63%
financial 1.47%
russian 1.33%
front-page 1.28%
evening + n. >>共 555
news 13.38%
wear 4.89%
meal 4.03%
session 3.14%
hour 3.01%
thunderstorm 2.25%
class 2.11%
newscast 2.02%
newspaper 1.75%
meeting 1.68%
每页显示:    共 403