1.   Cover with a sheet of foil or wax paper and roll with a rolling pin to form an even layer.

2.   Crumble one portion into a bowl and press remaining portions in an even layer on bottom of prepared pan.

3.   Cover with remaining nectarine slices, making an even layer.

4.   Distribute corn in an even layer over bread, and then arrange zucchini and red pepper evenly over corn.

5.   Drop chocolate batter by large spoonfuls onto peanut-butter batter and spread carefully to form an even layer.

6.   Finally, cover the cookies without eyes with an even layer of jam, stopping just short of the edges.

7.   Gently brush or spoon a thin, even layer of jam mixture over dough.

8.   Line a rimmed cookie sheet with parchment paper and spread pecans in an even layer.

9.   Make a thin, even layer.

10.   Place the banana slices in an even layer over the chilled pie crust.

a. + layer >>共 496
thin 12.19%
single 9.45%
thick 6.20%
top 5.78%
outer 4.70%
new 2.62%
second 2.58%
extra 2.46%
first 1.66%
protective 1.54%
even 1.33%
even + n. >>共 679
keel 8.46%
layer 2.48%
chance 2.02%
have 1.24%
distribution 1.16%
worse 1.16%
year 1.16%
match 0.93%
if 0.85%
death 0.85%
每页显示:    共 32