1.   An air-conditioner has a set of evaporator coils behind the front panel of the unit.

2.   A metal barrier separates the evaporator coils and blower from the rest of the unit.

3.   The filter traps dirt, dust and pollen and keeps it from collecting on the evaporator coils.

4.   The leakage in the evaporator coil occurred in mid-April in the second unit of the waste immobilization plant which was commissioned in June last year.

n. + coil >>共 31
mosquito 18.42%
condenser 11.84%
wire 11.84%
steel 7.89%
evaporator 5.26%
polymer 5.26%
spring 5.26%
pacemaker 2.63%
voice 2.63%
aluminum 1.32%
evaporator + n. >>共 3
coil 66.67%
design 16.67%
system 16.67%
每页显示:    共 4