1.   The chief author of the study emphasizes that it should be used to evaluate the seriousness of threats, not all students.

2.   The Cowboys are still evaluating the seriousness of the injury, which is potentially season-ending.

3.   With Berger now paying close attention, the White House became deeply involved in evaluating the seriousness of the thefts and solving the counterintelligence problems at the laboratories.

4.   He said his ministry needed time to evaluate the seriousness of efforts to revive the sect and how many people still follow its ideology.

v. + seriousness >>共 107
understand 6.29%
downplay 5.35%
reflect 4.72%
realize 4.40%
determine 3.77%
recognize 3.77%
indicate 3.46%
demonstrate 3.46%
underscore 2.83%
doubt 2.52%
evaluate 1.26%
evaluate + n. >>共 739
situation 2.73%
performance 2.16%
player 1.88%
proposal 1.76%
evidence 1.56%
talent 1.48%
damage 1.48%
effectiveness 1.40%
program 1.32%
result 1.32%
seriousness 0.16%
每页显示:    共 4