1.   Almost overnight, the powder keg of ethnic hostilities that had been held in check by communist rule begins to blow.

2.   As the ethnic hostility deepens in a tribal country, the chances of any kind of reconciliation vanishes so long as the competing sides can draw on foreign aid.

3.   Academics and former State Department officials warn that Washington does not understand the age-old ethnic hostilities in Zaire and neighboring countries.

4.   But ethnic hostility in Bosnia remains intense.

5.   But in a province racked by warfare and ethnic hostilities and full of weapons, NATO commanders are afraid encounters like those at the checkpoint could quickly turn violent.

6.   Centuries-old ethnic hostilities were papered over for decades of communist rule in Yugoslavia.

7.   The Serbs who live here, squeezed by ethnic hostility and economic hardship, are now fleeing Vukovar in droves.

8.   Then NATO forces took over and shut down the station in Pale, on the grounds that it was broadcasting propaganda that inflamed ethnic hostilities.

9.   Ethnic hostilities with the minority Tutsis were rekindled about the time she took her first steps.

10.   Ethnic hostility dates to colonial days, when the hard-working Chinese officially functioned as intermediaries between the ruling Dutch elite and native Indonesians.

a. + hostility >>共 308
outright 4.03%
open 3.80%
growing 3.57%
public 3.23%
renewed 2.65%
lingering 2.30%
escalating 2.30%
mutual 2.07%
racial 1.96%
ethnic 1.84%
ethnic + n. >>共 534
group 16.58%
minority 6.93%
rebel 5.97%
leader 3.69%
tension 2.55%
conflict 2.33%
violence 2.30%
refugee 1.78%
community 1.65%
line 1.65%
hostility 0.11%
每页显示:    共 16