1.   An AIM spokesman said the group is cooperating with the ethics probe.

2.   An example of one of her political miscues, associates say, was her public reaction to her own ethics probe.

3.   Coelho faced a possible ethics probe by Congress and intense media scrutiny over a loan he had received from a junk bond trader.

4.   During the hearing, outside counsel James M. Cole, who has conducted the ethics probe, is expected to outline his findings against the speaker.

5.   Gingrich, in a speech accepting renomination, never mentioned the ethics probe.

6.   Monday Coles addressed students at the school, in the very building where Gingrich taught the college tele-course that is the subject of the ethics probe.

7.   Not all members of the committee agreed attorney fees were an appropriate topic for an ethics probe.

8.   Senate Republican Leader Trent Lott is expected to be the beneficiary of the diminution of the power of Speaker Gingrich, the subject of an ethics probe.

9.   The ethics probe of Liburdy began after a whistle-blower challenged his intriguing results.

10.   The FBI and the Navy are investigating the matter, and Hayworth has called for a state House ethics probe of Gordon.

n. + probe >>共 208
corruption 19.51%
police 8.24%
government 5.77%
tax 2.75%
ethic 2.61%
heater 2.47%
campaign 2.34%
crash 1.92%
finance 1.79%
fraud 1.65%
ethic + n. >>共 177
committee 24.11%
panel 8.32%
rule 7.47%
commission 4.79%
investigation 4.05%
law 3.95%
complaint 3.89%
violation 3.42%
charge 2.79%
code 2.37%
probe 1.00%
每页显示:    共 19