1.   Even eternal salvation has become something sold in the Marketplace.

2.   Heaven presumably forbids that school of thought to merge with the one that advocates eternal salvation through Nikes, shaved heads, castration and comet sightings.

3.   I still think the only eternal salvation for Social Security is a private system in which all employees own and manage their individual retirement funds.

4.   Legend has it that a visit to Zenkoji can bring eternal salvation.

5.   People have always dreamed of consorting with gods and bearing immortal progeny, or suckling at the breast of the Virgin Mary to attain eternal salvation.

6.   Sixteen Afghans are also charged in the case, either because they abetted the alleged proselytizing or succumbed to its promises of eternal salvation.

7.   Yet, most evangelicals insist that faith in Jesus, the Christian Messiah, is the one and only means to eternal salvation.

8.   You, victorious King, grant to us and to the world eternal salvation!

a. + salvation >>共 50
economic 19.35%
only 12.10%
national 8.87%
eternal 6.45%
spiritual 4.84%
personal 4.03%
possible 3.23%
political 2.42%
social 2.42%
financial 1.61%
eternal + n. >>共 317
life 8.64%
capital 6.12%
flame 5.05%
youth 3.19%
optimist 3.19%
damnation 2.66%
vigilance 2.66%
love 1.86%
question 1.60%
struggle 1.33%
salvation 1.06%
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