1.   There is disillusion with established political parties.

2.   Apart from some nationalist organizations in the non-Russian republics, only the CPSU could be considered a solidly established political party.

3.   Paradoxically, the other major beneficiary from apparent disillusion with the established parties was the far right Front national.

4.   Funding and organization in the constituencies as well as nationally is undertaken by the established parties, not by individual candidates or campaign organizations created by the candidates.

5.   Among the impediments are stringent rules about the number of signatures a candidate must gather to get on the ballot that distinctly favor the established parties.

6.   And the Reform Party faced attempts by the established parties to shove it to the side, most prominently by excluding Perot from the presidential debates this fall.

7.   Allowances are openly provided to established political parties from public funds.

8.   But the people who are rejecting the established political parties may resist joining another one.

9.   In Latin America, the revolt against established parties has at times begun literally in rebellion, but most of these rebellions are now consigned to history.

a. + party >>共 541
political 20.02%
ruling 7.57%
the 4.30%
new 2.54%
warring 2.01%
governing 1.90%
main 1.74%
small 1.41%
smaller 1.38%
communist 1.27%
established 0.12%
established + n. >>共 773
company 6.20%
player 2.57%
star 1.56%
party 1.52%
order 1.40%
brand 1.36%
business 1.33%
practice 1.21%
procedure 1.21%
firm 1.01%
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