1.   Although difficult in established businesses, an alternative is to re-create customer expectations rather than change the actuality.

2.   Competition from established businesses can be formidable.

3.   For owners who seek advice and guidance on development of an established business.

4.   Significantly, it allows us to utilise our extensive content and brands in an already established digital business.

5.   The owner must have either an established business desiring to expand or a sound business plan.

6.   This has allowed us to concentrate on the problems of running an established business.

7.   Would you have a different answer if Tack was already in an established business looking for areas to expand or to diversify into?

8.   And Intermagnetics General, the only company with a significant stake in the technology along with established businesses, is hardly a giant.

9.   And since the start-ups are largely export-oriented, they do not threaten established businesses that have the muscle to make life miserable for competitors.

10.   Branson said he entered financial services partly for the pleasure of taking on established businesses and shaking them up.

a. + business >>共 975
small 8.39%
new 4.41%
american 2.21%
local 2.11%
private 2.03%
family 1.68%
international 1.29%
good 1.13%
japanese 0.94%
foreign 0.93%
established 0.10%
established + n. >>共 773
company 6.20%
player 2.57%
star 1.56%
party 1.52%
order 1.40%
brand 1.36%
business 1.33%
practice 1.21%
procedure 1.21%
firm 1.01%
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