1.   Every family health services authority should enter into discussions with its general practitioners to establish guidelines for the employment of counsellors.

2.   Our department is responsible for establishing the guidelines for land use in the county.

3.   Price guidelines have been established, but rates will be negotiable according to the means of individuals and groups.

4.   And though new accounting guidelines have been established, some mortgage-industry watchdogs say that interest calculation errors still occur regularly.

5.   At issue is whether the EPA must require companies to test dumping materials for contaminants in addition to ones for which the agency has established treatment guidelines.

6.   Before trying cases, the Tribunal for Yugoslavia should have established clear guidelines on who may be subpoenaed and under what circumstances.

7.   Across the country, clinical pharmacists are leading efforts to establish guidelines for treatments that are designed to cut costs.

8.   Alonso and his colleagues are starting to meet with prosecutors, defense lawyers and rehabilitation counselors to establish program guidelines.

9.   Both the Senate and the House bills would establish new guidelines on class action lawsuits involving stock fraud.

10.   But first Congress must adopt budget resolutions establishing spending guidelines for the appropriations committees.

v. + guideline >>共 285
follow 9.14%
issue 8.95%
set 5.74%
establish 4.33%
meet 3.35%
develop 3.31%
adopt 2.82%
have 2.82%
provide 2.63%
violate 2.43%
establish + n. >>共 1334
tie 3.18%
link 2.54%
contact 2.16%
rule 2.09%
relation 1.75%
standard 1.52%
fund 1.50%
commission 1.39%
identity 1.37%
relationship 1.34%
guideline 0.92%
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