1.   Management establishes the criteria for each project.

2.   This establishes the criteria against which the methods of finance can be assessed.

3.   An advisory board of teachers, parents and others helps the company establish its criteria.

4.   A three-member panel of the trade organization ruled that the United States had the right to establish its criteria for registering trademarks.

5.   Also, the department has not established criteria upon which incoming cases are analyzed and prioritized.

6.   Cleland thinks NATO needs to establish clear criteria for when human rights abuses, such as those in Kosovo, demand intervention.

7.   Efforts by some enlightened souls within managed-care firms to establish strict criteria for measuring quality of care have met with icy dismissal by their organizations.

8.   Formal debate scoring is tricky business best left to the professionals, but home viewers should consider establishing some criteria ahead of time.

9.   Furthermore, the court said, employers under the ADA have the right to establish physical criteria that suit the job.

10.   He also agreed that after new criteria were established, those cities or others, and perhaps more than three, would be selected for investigation.

v. + criterion >>共 191
meet 40.19%
use 9.08%
establish 3.00%
fit 2.76%
fulfill 2.43%
set 2.27%
have 2.27%
develop 1.38%
satisfy 1.38%
apply 1.30%
establish + n. >>共 1334
tie 3.18%
link 2.54%
contact 2.16%
rule 2.09%
relation 1.75%
standard 1.52%
fund 1.50%
commission 1.39%
identity 1.37%
relationship 1.34%
criterion 0.38%
每页显示:    共 37