1.   The fund was established to aid the poor.

2.   A committee of heads of state of countries neighbouring Ethiopia was established to aid the process of a return to normality, stability and security there.

3.   A fund will also be established to aid impoverished Holocaust survivors.

4.   Thursday, the Boston Globe reported that Kosovo Albanians in Germany and Switzerland were donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to funds established to aid Kosovo.

v. + aid >>共 55
use 21.21%
accord 7.07%
establish 4.04%
work 4.04%
rush 3.03%
be 3.03%
mobilise 3.03%
set_up 3.03%
arrive 2.02%
advocate 2.02%
establish + v. >>共 215
help 6.59%
provide 3.30%
investigate 2.75%
protect 2.75%
try 2.75%
promote 2.56%
deal 2.56%
monitor 2.01%
follow 1.83%
allow 1.47%
aid 0.73%
每页显示:    共 4