1.   He had strongly espoused the idea of contrasting and complementary studies whereby arts students would have some basic science and science students complementary studies of some kind.

2.   Many on the Left positively sought out Communists and espoused Communist ideas without being enticed, misled or coerced.

3.   And, because espousing Nazi ideas is a crime, Haider sues those who link his ideas with Nazism.

4.   Art Marshall, who was a federal biologist and later a University of Miami researcher, spent decades espousing ideas that struck a lot of people as crazy.

5.   Generally throughout the book tour, Powell espoused centrist ideas that seemed to resonate with moderate Democrats, moderate Republicans, independents and some GOP conservatives.

6.   The French espoused the idea, because they used a coin with that name several centuries ago.

7.   Sen. Kent Conrad of North Dakota, top Democrat on the Senate Budget Committee, has espoused that idea.

8.   Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, D-N.D., has espoused that idea.

v. + idea >>共 546
have 26.75%
reject 6.69%
get 3.67%
like 3.67%
support 3.16%
oppose 2.50%
dismiss 2.01%
discuss 1.51%
float 1.25%
accept 1.12%
espouse 0.05%
espouse + n. >>共 149
view 10.27%
philosophy 3.63%
cause 3.02%
violence 3.02%
theory 2.72%
idea 2.42%
ideology 2.42%
ideal 2.11%
anti-catholic 1.81%
principle 1.81%
每页显示:    共 8