1.   Shields and the Sharks continued their escape act in the second half of the period.

2.   This is the specter that lies behind what amounts to a national escape act.

3.   Daal performed an escape act of his own in the fifth.

4.   Sanchez saved one but that was as far as this escape act went.

n. + act >>共 608
sex 10.08%
bond 3.23%
high-wire 2.88%
rock 2.13%
circus 1.96%
comedy 1.84%
disability 1.73%
warm-up 1.73%
novelty 1.61%
lounge 1.21%
escape 0.23%
escape + n. >>共 120
route 33.74%
attempt 17.59%
hatch 10.12%
capsule 5.62%
plan 3.89%
tunnel 1.74%
bid 1.64%
valve 1.33%
charge 1.33%
vehicle 1.12%
act 0.41%
每页显示:    共 4