1.   Perhaps I could er develop erm erm the position a little bit further.

2.   I think points to this erm issue erm very clearly.

3.   Erm erm erm okay in that case erm think of a number.

4.   And also got erm erm what used to be called seventy seven.

5.   Erm first thing, how many erm erm how many tapes have you used?

6.   It was erm erm, a turbo.

7.   Erm erm erm erm erm erm erm Cliff Richards won it once.

8.   Erm because having erm light erm have coloured dark coloured walls is not a good idea.

9.   Would rather have erm erm, prefer scrambled egg and toast?

10.   Yeah, Super Star Wars, Super Tennis, erm erm seven so far.

n. + erm >>共 257
erm 4.73%
thing 1.89%
time 1.58%
people 1.26%
stuff 1.26%
area 0.95%
business 0.95%
money 0.95%
question 0.95%
do 0.63%
erm + n. >>共 358
erm 3.32%
thing 2.88%
people 1.55%
tt 1.11%
do 1.11%
criterion 0.88%
area 0.88%
one 0.88%
car 0.66%
time 0.66%
每页显示:    共 15