1.   You can erase the tape and use it again.

2.   And Bollin testified Thursday night that erasing the tapes was not his idea.

3.   But Bishkin said Friday that her client did not erase the tapes.

4.   He then should have thanked his producer again for not erasing the tape.

5.   Her explanation was widely discredited by forensic exams that showed the tape was erased repeatedly.

6.   However, Armstrong said he did not know who may have erased the tape, if that was what occurred.

7.   Pedro Juarez was so nervous that he hit the rewind button and accidentally erased the tape.

8.   Reitz erased the tape and then gave it to Kingsley, who cooked it in a microwave oven and dropped it into water.

9.   When Flocken requested video of the accident, one TRW official said the tape was accidentally erased, while another said it was lost.

10.   If the Justice Department attorneys recommended erasing the tapes, knowingly violating a court order, they should be disbarred, Gingold said.

v. + tape >>共 423
watch 7.07%
play 5.49%
make 4.92%
use 3.92%
release 3.78%
review 3.05%
have 2.78%
show 2.51%
send 2.21%
see 2.18%
erase 0.40%
erase + n. >>共 406
gain 9.82%
memory 5.43%
loss 4.39%
deficit 3.35%
doubt 3.35%
debt 2.48%
image 1.84%
file 1.76%
fear 1.36%
line 1.20%
tape 0.96%
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