1.   Betty Hertzog insists she is not trying to erase history.

2.   A few local Christians were timidly videotaping the evidence while I was there, capturing on film this surreal attempt to erase history.

3.   For President Clinton, the confirmation provides an opportunity to erase a history of abandoning nominees when they encountered rough waters during the confirmation process.

4.   Hertzog insists she is not trying to erase history.

5.   However, Bernstein warned that consumers cannot simply erase poor history.

6.   I always erase the history, but he has another way.

7.   The slave trade erased family histories, and, before the discovery of DNA, nobody imagined that the stories could be written anew.

8.   Their history was erased.

9.   Two years to erase a history of bungled trades, questionable draft picks and unhappy veteran players.

10.   Yet, even as bleak history was being erased, reality continues to intrude.

v. + history >>共 629
have 37.09%
make 13.37%
study 2.15%
teach 1.97%
write 1.88%
know 1.83%
rewrite 1.20%
trace 1.13%
change 1.11%
see 0.75%
erase 0.20%
erase + n. >>共 406
gain 9.82%
memory 5.43%
loss 4.39%
deficit 3.35%
doubt 3.35%
debt 2.48%
image 1.84%
file 1.76%
fear 1.36%
line 1.20%
history 0.88%
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