1.   Coca leaf farmers said they will oppose government efforts to eradicate the plants and prefer to die rather than lose their livelihood.

2.   Colombia has agreed to work with the U.N. Drug Control Agency on field testing a fungicide that some experts believe has great potential for eradicating narcotics plants.

3.   The same technologies can be applied to eradicate plants used for marijuana and heroin.

4.   Thousands of coca leaf farmers, meanwhile, have broken ranks with Morales and have agreed to voluntarily eradicate coca plants in exchange for the development of alternative products.

5.   Throughout the Caribbean, law enforcement officials protest having to spend time and manpower eradicating marijuana plants, the report said.

6.   Tunabala calls U.S.-backed fumigation policies a failure, and is seeking foreign donations to compensate poppy farmers who eradicate their plants by hand.

7.   U.S. officials have concluded Iran has carried out a successful program to eradicate opium poppy plants.

8.   Authorities have encountered stiff resistance in both Guaviare and Putumayo provinces to eradicating coca plants with a herbicide that farmers say has poisoned their legal crops and drinking water.

v. + plant >>共 810
build 9.77%
close 6.41%
have 4.09%
operate 2.33%
sell 2.19%
use 1.80%
grow 1.67%
buy 1.32%
water 1.32%
run 1.14%
eradicate 0.15%
eradicate + n. >>共 250
poverty 8.56%
disease 7.18%
corruption 5.67%
terrorism 5.29%
polio 3.78%
crop 3.40%
virus 3.27%
smallpox 2.39%
problem 1.76%
mosquito 1.51%
plant 1.01%
每页显示:    共 8