1.   It forms in the bloodstream in response to an injury when the enzyme thrombin chemically cuts fibrinogen, a precursor of fibrin, and releases the fibrin.

2.   It protects the blood vessels by converting the enzyme thrombin from a clotting agent into an anticlotting agent.

3.   The gene that was studied is the blueprint for a protein called thrombomodulin, which converts the enzyme thrombin from a clotting agent into an anti-clotting agent.

4.   The gene that was studied is the blueprint for a protein called thrombomodulin, which converts the enzyme thrombin from a clotting agent into an anticlotting agent.

enzyme + n. >>共 100
activity 11.37%
system 4.74%
secretion 4.74%
level 3.79%
deficiency 3.79%
inhibitor 3.32%
synthesis 3.32%
assay 3.32%
telomerase 2.37%
gene 1.90%
thrombin 1.90%
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