1.   After washing, enzyme activity was detected insitu.

2.   The binding of the enzyme-labeled drug to the antibody causes a steric alteration that results in Decreased enzyme activity.

3.   The form of the biphasic enzyme activity versus calcium function should be considered since it is important to subsequent dynamical arguments.

4.   The study of the kinetics of this reaction enables the laboratory to measure enzyme activity accurately and specifically.

5.   The time of incubation is related to enzyme activity in terms of product formed or substrate depleted.

6.   This suggests that the low level of enzyme activity observed in vitro is reflected in vivo.

n. + activity >>共 1140
business 8.24%
market 2.82%
settlement 2.56%
construction 2.28%
rebel 2.07%
shower 2.04%
brain 1.83%
merger 1.78%
gang 1.76%
leisure 1.60%
enzyme 0.42%
enzyme + n. >>共 100
activity 11.37%
system 4.74%
secretion 4.74%
level 3.79%
deficiency 3.79%
inhibitor 3.32%
synthesis 3.32%
assay 3.32%
telomerase 2.37%
gene 1.90%
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