1.   I wanted to get an overview of the main environmental concerns.

2.   In this case, the Court answered no, though the legislation was prompted by strong environmental concerns.

3.   Local observers were encouraged to report on distribution and migration patterns, thus paving the way for an interest in environmental concerns.

4.   Out of environmental concerns, the steel will be retrieved.

5.   The dumping of Kyoto and the new energy policy have similarly been clothed in soothing words of environmental concern.

6.   These really are environmental concerns worth bothering about.

7.   They become entangled in national budgetary squabbles or bogged down with environmental concerns.

8.   Hamnett does not believe environmental concern is a passing fad.

9.   Environmental concerns will elbow their way right to the top of the agenda.

a. + concern >>共 594
growing 4.87%
major 3.86%
main 3.29%
serious 2.46%
environmental 2.38%
public 2.31%
particular 2.29%
similar 2.27%
biggest 1.80%
deep 1.69%
environmental + n. >>共 534
group 16.58%
protection 6.16%
issue 4.08%
damage 3.25%
impact 3.25%
law 2.93%
problem 2.54%
regulation 2.32%
activist 2.23%
concern 2.21%
每页显示:    共 319