1.   It is as if the entire party structure and philosophy had been geared towards the exclusion of participation and the discouragement of debate.

2.   Should you model the entire structure as closely as possible, or model only the end results or capacities?

3.   We have already mentioned two factors that make the entire structure more progressive than an examination of income tax alone would suggest.

4.   This entire rickety structure was hanging from the limb of an enormous leafy tree.

5.   This was the keystone-moment in the strategy they had followed all that summer and autumn-if it failed, the entire structure would fall.

6.   An entire structure that worked well for years no longer works, and no one is sure how to fix it.

7.   And it sliced right through the entire structure of English society, in many ways ending medieval life itself.

8.   As a consequence of that last round of Charter revision, the entire structure of city government changed.

9.   As the work was winding down, mortified U.S. officials discovered the entire structure had been laced with microscopic listening devices -- thousands of them.

10.   Asked if Ivanov was correct in suggesting that the entire structure of arms control might collapse if the ABM treaty was scrapped, Rumsfeld said he did not know.

a. + structure >>共 1439
new 5.87%
social 2.31%
corporate 1.69%
family 1.64%
political 1.46%
existing 1.38%
organizational 1.25%
complex 1.20%
basic 1.20%
financial 1.15%
entire 0.89%
entire + n. >>共 1160
season 2.63%
family 2.49%
team 2.20%
career 1.89%
country 1.82%
life 1.73%
city 1.60%
game 1.55%
region 1.48%
system 1.31%
structure 0.29%
每页显示:    共 55