1.   All groups should enthusiastically coordinate their social and economic activities to achieve the good of the entire nation.

2.   Complete public humiliation in front of the entire nation is a prospect likely to make a man reckless, desperate even.

3.   How might we apply the lesson that these organizers learned on the much greater scale of an entire nation?

4.   Imagine an entire nation of people missing their mutton.

5.   It must involve the total mobilization of the creative energies, imagination and problem-solving capacities of the entire nation.

6.   It was an entire nation of pragmatists, each individual swaying with the prevailing wind to ensure his or her own future.

7.   Probably not, although there is no uniform law on this question applicable to the entire nation.

8.   Senate bill would expand the voluntary program to the entire nation for the next three years.

9.   The entire nation has been shocked by the cold-blooded murder of the two girls.

10.   Theirs is a tragedy for our entire nation.

a. + nation >>共 477
the 5.53%
african 5.16%
developing 4.40%
european 4.33%
western 3.70%
asian 3.57%
arab 3.14%
industrialized 2.61%
caribbean 2.23%
southeast_asian 2.05%
entire 0.82%
entire + n. >>共 1160
season 2.63%
family 2.49%
team 2.20%
career 1.89%
country 1.82%
life 1.73%
city 1.60%
game 1.55%
region 1.48%
system 1.31%
nation 0.94%
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